Q. Why did Mozart get rid of his chickens?
A. They kept saying Bach, Bach, Bach! Q. Why couldn't the athlete listen to her music? A. Because she broke the record! Q. What type of music are balloons scared of? A. Pop music! Q. What makes music on your head? A. A head band! Q. What part of the turkey is musical? A. The drumstick! Q. What is the difference between a fish and a piano? A. You can tune a piano but you can't tuna fish! Q. What has forty feet and sings? A. The school choir! Q. Why did the girl sit on the ladder to sing? A. She wanted to reach the high notes! Q. What is the musical part of a snake? A. The scales! Q. What makes pirates such good singers? A. They can hit the high Cs! Q. What do you call a reptile? A. A RAPtile! Q. What has a lot of keys but can't open doors? A. A piano. Q. What song do tornados like? A. The Twist. Q. What's a cat's favorite subject in school? A. MEOWsic! Q. What do you call an animal who tries to be a pop star? A. Justin BEAVER! Q. What is Beethoven's favorite fruit? A. Ba-na-na-na! Q. What kind of music does a mountain like? A. Rock music! |
Q. Why don't skeletons play music in church?
A. They have no organs. Q. What song do vampires hate? A. "You are my sunshine!" Q. What's a vampire's favorite part of the guitar? A. The neck. Q. Why couldn't the girl finish her music homework? A. Because she forgot her notebook! Q. How do you make Lady Gaga mad? A. Poker face! Q. What is a mummy's favorite kind of music? A. Rap! Q. What type of soap did the composer use? A. Anti-BACH-terial. Q. What is a tortilla chip's favorite style of music? A. Salsa! Q. Why does Cardi B love Christmas? A. Because of all the wrapping. Q. What do you call a musical insect? A. A humbug. Q. Why did the fish make such a good musician? A. He knew his scales. Q. How do you make a bandstand? A. You take away their chairs! Q. What is the most musical part of your body? A. Your nose, you can blow it and pick it. Q. What is the best Christmas present in the world? A. A broken drum, you cant beat it! Q. Which elf was the best singer? A. ELFis Presley. Q. What kind of music do bunnies like? A. Hip Hop. Q. What is a skeleton's favorite instrument? A. The trombone. |